The Project

Our mission is to

offer life-affirming and death positive learning experiences that serve the many beings who make their homes on Bells Mountain

Who We Are

Bells Mountain is the non-profit that grew out of a longstanding sacred arts, movement and music events production company that evolved from a flagship summer festival to a land project committed to transformation, learning, and devotion. Bells Mountain's vision is to offer people and the natural world experiences of experiences of healing and connection.

What We Do

Founder Elliot Rasenick curated a temporary village in Tidewater, Oregon for over a decade each August called “Beloved Festival” where all who participated were encouraged to reflect on their relationship with the divine in its manifest diversity across cultures. The Beloved Festivals success was also a signal that a long-term home was necessary for the evolution of this vision: a place-based center for healing that honors the land itself and its indigenous stewards through our prioritization of programs that support indigenous land-based trauma healing.

Why We Do It

Bells Mountain is now supporting the restoration of 700 heavily damaged acres in Southwest Washington through ecological restoration, regenerative agriculture, and death-positive lifeways for resiliency and healing. Reforestation, fruit and nut tree orchard planting, low-impact natural building, and habitat restoration are all underway. With our partners at Recompose, we are reimagining a cemetery by adding “Natural Organic Reduction” [NOR] created from composted human bodies as soil amendments to support the land’s recovery. These gardens and the programs offered on the land provide a container for all who visit to reconnect with the cycles of life and death, each other, and the land upon which we all depend, and to which we will all return.

Our Values

We vow to clarify, refine, and consistently recommit to the pursuit of our values.

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